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SPCR: Book-Lover Pet Peeves

A few days ago, we asked you, the readers at Sajina's Publishing Company, what your biggest pet peeves were when it came to reading or...

Overcoming Writer's Block

Writer's block. It happens to us all. Whether we are writing a book or even an essay, those periods where we can't seem to get anything...

Opening Greetings: Serios Gala

Thank you to all those who were able to attend the Gala last weekend whether you were there in body or spirit. On behalf of SPC, we would...

Write Down to Business

This past Tuesday, Sajina's Publishing Company held "Story Creation 101," a basic workshop to teach participants how to get started...

Employee of the Month

Today we would like to congratulate our employee of the month, Seth von Goneril, a co-founder of Sajina's Publishing Co. This award is...

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SPC Poetry Contest

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