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SPCR: Book-Lover Pet Peeves

A few days ago, we asked you, the readers at Sajina's Publishing Company, what your biggest pet peeves were when it came to reading or just books in general. Our team loved reading your responses. It was hard to pick only a few.

1. Spoilers

There is a great sadness in finding out what’s going to happen in the book before you get there.

2. People Who Are Careless With Books

Especially borrowed ones. Our readers made that clear. Is it too much to ask for people to treat borrowed property well?

3. Media Adaptations that Don't Follow the Plot

If I had a dollar for every time I mentioned something happened differently in the manga, I could afford a trip to Japan. Bringing a book to screen has its challenges, but when the movie adaptation deviates unnecessarily far from the original plot, it’s enough to infuriate any fan of the work.

4. Being Interrupted While Reading

We felt you guys hard on this one. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to know this unwritten rule. If there is a book in my hand away you should stand. Leave us at peace, please and thank you.

Find us on Twitter to see more of the hilarious responses from our readers and stay tuned for our next SPCR Prompt. We hope you're looking forward to it!

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