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Opening Greetings: Serios Gala

Thank you to all those who were able to attend the Gala last weekend whether you were there in body or spirit. On behalf of SPC, we would like everyone to be able to see just went on and here from some of our wonderful authors and company representatives. Below is the opening address delivered by Company Founder, Sajina Jacob. We hope you find it encouraging. Stay tuned to our Twitter as more videos will be uploaded shortly


A transcript of the opening speech is available below.

Hello, everyone welcome to the Serios Gala. My name is Sajina Jacob. Tonight we are here to honor the lovely, wonderful, talented authors that makeup Sajina's Publishing Company. Without them, we wouldn't be here standing before you all today. This evening we will have some of these remarkable individuals share their work and how their lives have been changed by getting those first few pages off the press and into the world. But first, we would like to congratulate Ashton Vestra on achieving the John Newbery Medal for his enticing book Witches of Pittsburg. Can we have a round of applause? Thank you. I am going to invite him up here to say a few words shortly, but I will say a few words about him first. When Ashton first approached me two years ago, he looked discouraged. He had with him a manuscript in his hand and a twinkle in his eye. He had told me he had written a book; that he wanted to get it published, but the said book had been rejected by two other publishers who did not think the book would be successful. However, I saw a light in his eye that the others failed to see. I knew this is what he was passionate about and I wanted to help him in any way I could. We had to make some minor tweaks here and there and work out some of the finer details, but almost a year to date after that first meeting the book was published, and look where we are now. Now, I know I may come off sounding like a mother, but I couldn't be more proud of him. And with that, I would like to invite Ashton Vestra to the stage. Ashton?

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